18 research outputs found

    Web-based strategies in the manufacturing industry

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    The explosive growth of Internet-based architectures is allowing an efficient access to information resources over geographically dispersed areas. This fact is exerting a major influence on current manufacturing practices. Business activities involving customers, partners, employees and suppliers are being rapidly and efficiently integrated through networked information management environments. Therefore, efforts are required to take advantage of distributed infrastructures that can satisfy information integration and collaborative work strategies in corporate environments. In this research, Internet-based distributed solutions focused on the manufacturing industry are proposed. Three different systems have been developed for the tooling sector, specifically for the company Seco Tools UK Ltd (industrial collaborator). They are summarised as follows. SELTOOL is a Web-based open tool selection system involving the analysis of technical criteria to establish appropriate selection of inserts, toolholders and cutting data for turning, threading and grooving operations. It has been oriented to world-wide Seco customers. SELTOOL provides an interactive and crossed-way of searching for tooling parameters, rather than conventional representation schemes provided by catalogues. Mechanisms were developed to filter, convert and migrate data from different formats to the database (SQL-based) used by SELTOOL.TTS (Tool Trials System) is a Web-based system developed by the author and two other researchers to support Seco sales engineers and technical staff, who would perform tooling trials in geographically dispersed machining centres and benefit from sharing data and results generated by these tests. Through TTS tooling engineers (authorised users) can submit and retrieve highly specific technical tooling data for both milling and turning operations. Moreover, it is possible for tooling engineers to avoid the execution of new tool trials knowing the results of trials carried out in physically distant places, when another engineer had previously executed these trials. The system incorporates encrypted security features suitable for restricted use on the World Wide Web. An urgent need exists for tools to make sense of raw data, extracting useful knowledge from increasingly large collections of data now being constructed and made available from networked information environments. This explosive growth in the availability of information is overwhelming the capabilities of traditional information management systems, to provide efficient ways of detecting anomalies and significant patterns in large sets of data. Inexorably, the tooling industry is generating valuable experimental data. It is a potential and unexplored sector regarding the application of knowledge capturing systems. Hence, to address this issue, a knowledge discovery system called DISKOVER was developed. DISKOVER is an integrated Java-application consisting of five data mining modules, able to be operated through the Internet. Kluster and Q-Fast are two of these modules, entirely developed by the author. Fuzzy-K has been developed by the author in collaboration with another research student in the group at Durham. The final two modules (R-Set and MQG) have been developed by another member of the Durham group. To develop Kluster, a complete clustering methodology was proposed. Kluster is a clustering application able to combine the analysis of quantitative as well as categorical data (conceptual clustering) to establish data classification processes. This module incorporates two original contributions. Specifically, consistent indicators to measure the quality of the final classification and application of optimisation methods to the final groups obtained. Kluster provides the possibility, to users, of introducing case-studies to generate cutting parameters for particular Input requirements. Fuzzy-K is an application having the advantages of hierarchical clustering, while applying fuzzy membership functions to support the generation of similarity measures. The implementation of fuzzy membership functions helped to optimise the grouping of categorical data containing missing or imprecise values. As the tooling database is accessed through the Internet, which is a relatively slow access platform, it was decided to rely on faster Information retrieval mechanisms. Q-fast is an SQL-based exploratory data analysis (EDA) application, Implemented for this purpose

    Participation of the oviductal s100 calcium binding protein G in the genomic effect of estradiol that accelerates oviductal embryo transport in mated rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mating changes the mechanism by which E2 regulates oviductal egg transport, from a non-genomic to a genomic mode. Previously, we found that E2 increased the expression of several genes in the oviduct of mated rats, but not in unmated rats. Among the transcripts that increased its level by E2 only in mated rats was the one coding for an s100 calcium binding protein G (s100 g) whose functional role in the oviduct is unknown.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Herein, we investigated the participation of s100 g on the E2 genomic effect that accelerates oviductal transport in mated rats. Thus, we determined the effect of E<sub>2 </sub>on the mRNA and protein level of s100 g in the oviduct of mated and unmated rats. Then, we explored the effect of E<sub>2 </sub>on egg transport in unmated and mated rats under conditions in which s100 g protein was knockdown in the oviduct by a morpholino oligonucleotide against s100 g (s100 g-MO). In addition, the localization of s100 g in the oviduct of mated and unmated rats following treatment with E<sub>2 </sub>was also examined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Expression of <it>s100 g </it>mRNA progressively increased at 3-24 h after E2 treatment in the oviduct of mated rats while in unmated rats <it>s100 g </it>increased only at 12 and 24 hours. Oviductal s100 g protein increased 6 h following E<sub>2 </sub>and continued elevated at 12 and 24 h in mated rats, whereas in unmated rats s100 g protein increased at the same time points as its transcript. Administration of a morpholino oligonucleotide against <it>s100 g </it>transcript blocked the effect of E<sub>2 </sub>on egg transport in mated, but not in unmated rats. Finally, immunoreactivity of s100 g was observed only in epithelial cells of the oviducts of mated and unmated rats and it was unchanged after E2 treatment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Mating affects the kinetic of E2-induced expression of s100 g although it not changed the cellular localization of s100 g in the oviduct after E<sub>2 </sub>. On the other hand, s100 g is a functional component of E2 genomic effect that accelerates egg transport. These findings show a physiological involvement of s100 g in the rat oviduct.</p

    Talleres escultóricos recreativos y preventivos para infanto - juveniles provenientes de sectores vulnerables, Municipio de Mejicanos, 2021.

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    El siguiente informe contiene información referente a la gestión realizada en el marco del Curso de Especialización denominado “El arte en la gestión cultural”, en el que se explica las diferentes etapas llevadas a cabo en el municipio de Mejicanos enfocada a zonas vulnerables o de alto riesgo las cuales se encuentran con un alto índice de inseguridad y delincuencia. En dicho taller se implementaron conocimientos que han sido adquiridos a lo largo de la carrera de Licenciatura en Artes Plásticas, opción Escultura, siendo esta última la principal, en la que se desarrollan diversas técnicas para preparar al futuro escultor de dicha área. Se tomó a bien utilizar la técnica de modelado en barro, ya que es un recurso bastante didáctico muy útil a la hora de trabajarlo, siendo este, el material principal utilizado en el taller piloto, con el que cada participante elaboró dos piezas, que posteriormente fueron llevadas a quema de horno, siendo de esta forma los resultados esperados que se obtuvieron. Los talleres de modelado en barro han sido diseñados para impartirse a infanto juveniles provenientes de estas comunidades separándolos por grupos etarios, es decir niños de 8 a 12 años y adolescentes de 13 años en adelante. La prueba piloto fue llevada a cabo en la Escuela de Artes, Universidad del Salvador, entre el 19 de julio al 20 de agosto con un total de 16 participantes, entre ellas niños y jóvenes del municipio de Mejicanos. Palabras claves: Gestión ; Cultural ; Talleres ; Modelado ; Barro ; Escultura

    La importancia de la tribología en la mecánica industrial

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    Tribology from a traditional form has existed since the beginning of history, however, an exact date cannot be clearly specified in which its developments appeared, its beginnings with findings of fire, with the invention of carriage wheels and bearings. sliding, the application of natural liquids to reduce friction and wear, are very sophisticated tribological inventions that are discovered before the common era (b.c.). The objective of this research was based on analyzing the importance of tribology in industrial mechanics. The methodology used in the following work is based on documentary-type bibliographic research, where a development scheme was carried out, the documentary information was collected from the Google Scholar platform and the Scielo and Redalyc platforms, using keywords and/or descriptors such as: tribology, friction between surfaces, lubricants, tribology in industrial mechanics, etc. It was possible to clearly understand the concept of tribology in industrial mechanics, its applications were described, as well as the advantages of tribology in the industrial sector, finally it is mentioned that tribology can be defined as the science and technology that studies the phenomena of friction and wear that occur between surfaces that interact with relative movements. Keywords: Tribology, industrial mechanics, friction, wear.La tribología desde una forma tradicional ha existido desde el comienzo de la historia sin embargo no se puede especificar con claridad una fecha exacta en la que aparecieran sus desarrollos, sus inicios con hallazgos del fuego, con la invención de las ruedas para carruajes y el cojinete de deslizamiento, la aplicación de líquidos naturales para disminuir el rozamiento y el desgaste, son invenciones tribológicas muy sofisticados que se descubren antes de la era común (a.c). El objetivo de esta investigación se basó en analizar la importancia de la tribología en la mecánica industrial. La metodología empleada en el siguiente trabajo se basa en una investigación de carácter bibliográfico tipo documental, donde se realizó un esquema de desarrollo, la información documental se recopilo de la plataforma Google Académico y las plataformas de Scielo y Redalyc, utilizando palabras claves y/o descriptores tales como: tribología, fricción entre superficies, lubricantes, la tribología en la mecánica industrial, etc. Se pudo comprender con claridad el concepto de tribología en la mecánica industrial, se describieron sus aplicaciones, así como también las ventajas de la tribología en el sector industrial, finalmente se menciona que, la tribología se puede definir como la ciencia y la tecnología que estudia los fenómenos de fricción y desgaste que ocurren entre superficies que interactúan con movimientos relativos. Palabras clave: Tribología, mecánica industrial, fricción, desgaste. Abstract Tribology from a traditional form has existed since the beginning of history, however, an exact date cannot be clearly specified in which its developments appeared, its beginnings with findings of fire, with the invention of carriage wheels and bearings. sliding, the application of natural liquids to reduce friction and wear, are very sophisticated tribological inventions that are discovered before the common era (b.c.). The objective of this research was based on analyzing the importance of tribology in industrial mechanics. The methodology used in the following work is based on documentary-type bibliographic research, where a development scheme was carried out, the documentary information was collected from the Google Scholar platform and the Scielo and Redalyc platforms, using keywords and/or descriptors such as: tribology, friction between surfaces, lubricants, tribology in industrial mechanics, etc. It was possible to clearly understand the concept of tribology in industrial mechanics, its applications were described, as well as the advantages of tribology in the industrial sector, finally it is mentioned that tribology can be defined as the science and technology that studies the phenomena of friction and wear that occur between surfaces that interact with relative movements. Keywords: Tribology, industrial mechanics, friction, wear. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 02 de febrero de 2023.Fecha de aceptación: 16 de marzo de 2023.Fecha de publicación: 10 de julio de 2023

    Situation of Dengue after the Phenomenon of the Coastal El Niño

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    Coastal El Niño is a weather phenomenon that is caused by abnormal warming (above 0.4°C) of the Pacific Ocean waters near the coasts of Ecuador and Peru, and it can even reach the central and southern Peruvian coast. As a result of the climatic phenomenon, the Aedes aegypti vector (which in turn is a vector of chikungunya and Zika fever) had been quickly installed in 448 districts of Peru, and emergency was declared in 10 regions, which reported 231,874 victims; 1,129,013 affected and 143 dead. It is necessary to know this, because the direct impact of the weather phenomena contributes to the dengue vector conditioning, facilitating its dissemination with ease. The geographical and climatic conditions of the cities most affected by the El Niño Costero phenomenon turned them into zones of epidemics; in these places, there is an important population growth, from urbanization to sectorization in young towns and urban slums, where in many there is no basic infrastructure and water supply is insufficient, which requires temporary water storage, as well as high temperatures, migratory movement, and beaches with influx of people, which make not only dengue proliferate but also other arbovirosis such as chikungunya

    Estructura, diversidad y endemismo de la flora del relicto Los Lanches del bosque montano Las Palmas, Cajamarca, Perú

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    Los bosques montanos albergan especies endémicas valiosas, a pesar que no se conoce a detalle su diversidad. Siendo el objetivo caracterizar la estructura, diversidad y endemismo del relicto Los Lanches del bosque montano Las Palmas distrito de Conchan, Chota, Cajamarca, Perú. Se evaluaron siete parcelas de 1 000 m2 para el estrato arbóreo y en parcelas de 100 m2 y 25 m2 para la regeneración natural. La distribución horizontal refleja una “J” invertida. Weinmannia elliptica (16,63 %) y Hedysomum scabrum (10,27 %) presentaron índices de valor de importancia altos. El 20 % de especies persisten en los tres estratos. De la regeneración natural las especies más importantes son Hedyosmum scabrum (27,79 %) y Palicourea amethystina (14,77 %). Las especies con alto valor de importancia ampliado Hedyosmum scabrum (19,24 %) y Weinmannia elliptica (11,44 %). Las familias más abundantes fueron Lauraceae con cuatro especies, y tres especies la Myrtaceae y Melastomataceae. Se obtuvo un coeficiente de mezcla de 0,033, el índice de Simpson (0,89) indicó alta diversidad, al igual que el índice Shannon-Wiener (2,68). La Brachyotum coronatum y Cyathea caracasana, se encuentran en estado vulnerable. La Axinaea nitida en estado de preocupación menor y la Ocotea jumbillensis en peligro

    Gestión del conocimiento. Perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 17

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 17 de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro es una publicación internacional, seriada, continua, arbitrada, de acceso abierto a todas las áreas del conocimiento, orientada a contribuir con procesos de gestión del conocimiento científico, tecnológico y humanístico. Con esta colección, se aspira contribuir con el cultivo, la comprensión, la recopilación y la apropiación social del conocimiento en cuanto a patrimonio intangible de la humanidad, con el propósito de hacer aportes con la transformación de las relaciones socioculturales que sustentan la construcción social de los saberes y su reconocimiento como bien público

    Dental caries and treatment needs in schoolchildren located in the northern area of the Venezuelan country

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    Editorial. Envejecimiento. ¿Deletéreo o beneficioso?.¿Aging. Destructive or Beneficial?Salinas, Pedro JoséViolencia doméstica contra la mujer en pacientes femeninas del Ambulatorio Belén. Mérida. Venezuela.Domestic violence against the woman in feminine patients of the Belén Ambulatory Hospital. Mérida, Venezuela.Rivas de Mora, SilenyPercepción de los docentes sobre el maltrato infantil en la educación básica de la ciudad de Mérida, Venezuela.Teachers’ perception of child abuse in basic (primary) school in Mérida city, Venezuela.Salinas, Pedro JoséCampos, NildaCaries dental y necesidades de tratamiento en escolares de dos zonas de la región nor-occidental de Venezuela.Dental caries and treatment needs in schoolchildren located in the northern area of the Venezuelan country.Morón Borjas, AlexisRivera Velásquez, LuísRojas de Rivera, FannyLeptina y hormonas tiroideas en niñas con diferentes diagnósticos nutricionales y su relación con la menarquia.Leptin and thyroid hormones in girls with different nutritional diagnosis and their relationship with menarche.Marín de López, GladisLópez, ZiomaBishop, WalterMolina Viana, ZarelaHernández Yánez, LeonorLa progresión de la enfermedad renal y su tratamiento actual. Una revisión.The progression of renal disease and its present treatment. A review.Rondón Nucete, MiguelRondon Guerra, Ana VerónicaVillarreal, YadiraColecistestomía laparoscópica versus colecistectomía abierta o tradicional. Resultados de una serie de 442 pacientes.Laparoscopic versus open or traditional cholecystectomy. Results of 442 patients.Torres Dugarte, Carlos GeovannySpinetti R., DemianUso del misoprostol en la prevención de la hemorragia posparto.Use of misoprostol to prevent postpartum haemorrhage.Morón B., EduardoChirinos, LiberioMorón Borjas, AlexisSantana, YrmaPrevalencia de celulitis facial de punto de partida odontológico de acuerdo con el grupo etario, sexo y estatus socioeconómico, en pacientes pediátricos, en el Hospital "Joel Valencia Parparcén", 1997-2000.Prevalence of odontogenic facial cellulitis according to age, sex and socioeconomic group, in pediatric patients, in the "Joel Valencia Parpacén" Hospital, Petare, Venezuela, 1997-2000.Flores, María G.Guerrero, María del V.Salinas, Perla R.González, MauryEl trabajo en redes en el sector salud.The network in the health sector.Castillo Trujillo, David J.Lista de los Postgradosde la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Los Andes.List of Postgraduate Coursesat the Faculty of Medicine of the University of The [email protected] analíticosemestra